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please stand by...


the water flows even through the desert, even though it is down below where no one can see, where no one can drink... the quicksand proves this to be true, as the poor souls who have had the unfortunate experience as to drown in a desert could attest to if there was a way to hear them... and they too flow through the universe, even though it is up above where no one can see, where no one can hear... the light of stars and great unknown questions cry out to explain this, and we'd know if we only had a way to hear them... believe, and you might, but take care in choosing what you believe in, for if your believe in anything includes a belief in limits, you slipped into the quicksand of humanity where easy explanations and conformity are acceptible proofs for truths... but the truths flow even through humanity, even though it is deep within where no one can see, where no one can feel...

art and love prove this to be true, as spoken so clearly by the unexplanable awe known in the presense of true art or the unmistakable light of recognition of unconditional love in a baby's eyes, if we only care to listen, to feel past the fear, we would hear them, and we'd know...
