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love a funda

You may have the opportunity to love a funda if you so desire. Many forms of love are accepted at the fundation, and though they are not tax deductible, they are often more appreciated than you'd believe unless you actually visited with the funda for a time. Bring no expectations, for they are not allowed.

Fundalove: Ethereal love in the form of fan mail, notes, and any other contact that is not in the physical space-time frame is very welcome. The funda may not always respond to you personally or directly, but some form of recognition from mention in a funda to a link does happen on occasion. Sometimes.

Fundagifts: All gifts are welcome, most especially music and odd amusements, but anything you find meaningful that you feel the funda might enjoy as well. When in doubt, remember that money is an all-purpose gift that can always be put to useful service even by the most existential of the funda. If your contact info is provided, you should be thanked personally by the funda in due time.

Fundamuse: A fundamuse presents a deeper, more creative, and more fulfilling love that allows for infinite imaginary explorations (often called fantasies). Unconditional trust in the harmless intentions and respect for creative freedom are the two cornerstones of being a fundamuse. Fearlessness helps.

Fundaplay: Visiting a funda in the physical space-time frame is possible. Scheduling in advance is preference and friendly, playful intentions are most welcome. Visiting for any other reason should be discussed way in advance.

Fundalust: While not always physical, this form of fundalove is commonly called sex. Yes, fundas know this passion. Should you feel ready for sex with a funda and believe you fit the fundamensions for fundalust, send your reasons and photos. You will be contacted if you appeal to the fundalibido. If you are not contacted, forget it or continue lusting from afar. Fundastalkers are not welcome.

Fundamate: If you believe in the funda above all else and believe yourself to be a fundamate, sometimes referred to as a lifemate or soulmate, think long and hard about why and be prepared to explain in excrutiating detail if you are queried by the funda about your beliefs. Posers will be hermetically sealed in septic tanks under Volgon prison camps until they pass out, at which time they will be removed to the Restaurant at the End of the Universe where they will be stranded without a towel or shower coupons until they can figure a way back to wherever it is they came from. If you still want to come, read on.

Fundabelievably, this is mostly serious. We make no apologies for typos or misunderstandings as we can not control small minds, nor do we want to. We hope to hear from you soon. Funda
